Multiscale investigations of structure-function coupling in the human brain

Thursday 07 November 2024 |

De 12h-13h | Présentation de l'axe Mère-Enfant Animée par Jessica Royer, Psy.D., Neuropsychologue

Résumé | Conférence en anglais
The governing role of brain structure on its function is a core principle of neuroscience. This relationship is extremely complex, as it manifests across multiple, interacting spatiotemporal scales. For instance, cortical neuronal activity is produced by local columnar microcircuits receiving direct inputs from potentially distant structures embedded within the same network. This unique architecture also allows the production of different patterns of rhythmic activity, which are crucial for the coordination of longrange communication within- and across brain networks. A better understanding this interplay between brain structure and function holds immense potential to uncover how different brain regions contribute to cognition and behaviour. This presentation will highlight the unique potential of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) alongside complementary techniques such as electroencephalography (EEG) to address this question. I will focus on contemporary conceptualizations of brain properties along graded and continuous axes, or gradients, which uncover the intrinsic coordinate system of the brain to help us bridge different neurobiological attributes and their alterations in neurological disease..

À propos de la présentatrice: Jessica Royer est une neuropsychologue clinicienne qui poursuit ses études de doctorat dans le cadre du programme intégré en neurosciences de l'Université McGill. Ses travaux intègrent l'imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) et l'électrophysiologie pour étudier la structure et la fonction du cerveau humain en bonne santé et en cas d'épilepsie focale résistante aux médicaments.

Conférence présentée au local X9-2999 ou en ligne.

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